Booksin Elementary Multi-Sport Spring Break Camp April 10th- Wednesday Only


Wednesday, April 10th, 2024
Space is limited, we may sell out quickly!

Ending daily at:2:45 pm

Grades: K-5th
Starting daily at: 9:00 am

A minimum of 12 signups to run camp
and a maximum of 30 signups

Sold Out


Join Allera Sports for our Booksin Elementary Multi-Sports Spring Break Camp on April 10th! This is a one-day camp option and will feature all of our options for enrichment including Basketball, Soccer & Flag Football….But that’s not all. We are offering a ton more games! Go ahead and ask your kids if they enjoy chaos tag, capture the flag, baseball, dodgeball, kickball, sharks and minnows? Local, safe, educational, affordable and fun.