Program Guide
This is our flagship program and currently highest in popularity. Our instructors are dispatched to school campuses to run after school programs at schools all over the South Bay Area. These classes are 1 hour long, run between 8-10 weeks and operate seasonally with sessions in the Fall, Winter and Spring. Programming includes students TK-6th Grade featuring a wide variety of sports including Basketball, Soccer, Tennis, Baseball, Flag Football, Volleyball and more. The programming is for beginners who would like their first introduction to sports and while our classes invite upper grade students to participate (3rd-5th) most of our participants are K-2nd grade students. Cost for this program varies based on season length, activity, school, etc. This is usually a parent paid program, but we do have options that allow the district, school, PTA or Aftercare to cover cost of operations. If you would like more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com.
Our instructors are sent to elementary schools to run sports during the lunch recess period. On average 2 coaches are on campus, 2-4 days a week for the entire school year. Sports include Kickball, Dodgeball, CTF, Basketball, Chaos Tag, Freeze Tag, Flag Football, Shark & Minnows. The objective is to mirror the school’s educational “theme” and supervise large games for each play period. This program typically runs for 1-1.5 hours with 2-3 coaches and run games for up to 150 children during 2-3 lunches! We pride ourselves on delivering messages of sportsmanship, teamwork, and fair play. This program has shown to drastically lower the amount of bullying, fights, injuries and exclusion on the playground. Programming is paid for by the PTA or out of the school budget. Cost depends on coverage, number of days, number of coaches and offers both a Title 1 school discount and Enrichment Discount. If you would lie more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com
This program usually runs in the mornings between 9:00am-11:00am Monday to Friday at Local Preschools. Coaches are sent to preschool campuses to run either Soccer or Basketball classes for children ages 1.5-4 years of age. During a 8-12 week season, children are taught the fundamentals of the game through quality sports instruction for about 30-40 minutes in length. These programs are safe, fun, educational, affordable and a great introduction for your child into the world of sports. Cost depends on the number of programs we run at the school, coverage, session length, class length and other factors. . If you would lie more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com
This program operates any time school doesn’t run Monday through Friday when parents need coverage the most! We run Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring Break camps in districts all over the south bay and offer primarily multi-sport camp options currently. We also offer Staff Development Day & Holiday Camps too! Camps can introduce up to 25 sports and games children love to play. These activities include Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Flag Football, Volleyball, CTF, Freeze Tag, Kickball, Chaos Tag, SPUD, Wall Ball and a lot more. We have mini-camps (9am-12pm, Full Day Camps (9am-3pm) and Full Day Camps with Extended Day (9am-5pm). Camps are typically parent paid but we do offer options where schools, districts, aftercares or PTA can fund this program. Cost depends on location, rental cost, number of days and camp type. If you would like more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com.
This program is set up to help schools with sports & activities coverage during school functions. This could be back to school night, school auctions, book drive, spring fling or even PTA meetings! Our coaches will come out and run sports for the kids to allow parents to direct their attention elsewhere and be involved in school decisions. But sometimes schools contact us just to bring a healthy, safe, fun and affordable attraction to help keep kids active. This is usually paid for by the school or the PTA. If you would like more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com.
This program is available to any parents who would like their child or children more specific attention in a sport or game. We focused a lot on this program during the shut down and was able to bring sports and activities to a large number of families. We did programming for High School Students, Preschool age children, home schooled students and even children with special needs. Right now some families are taking advantage of this program for their children who would like to work one on one with a coach or form their own class. This is paid for by parents participating and a program that runs year-round. If you would like more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com.
This program is very underutilized considering its benefit, cost and should pick up steam as the world opens back up. We send a coach to your house, a park or a local school to run your child’s own sports birthday party! We can do single sport, dual sport or multi sports options and have done these activities for children as young as 4 years old. We have even accommodated one bachelor party upon request when a husband to be wanted to play an organized training session with his groomsmen followed by a well-organized scrimmage. This program runs year-round and is parent paid. If you would like more information, please contact us at allerasports@gmail.com.